Thursday, December 12, 2013

CyberCrime, Everyone is screwed!!!

As a society, we have gone from a false sense of security, to a more in depth BS sense of security. Ripping people off and taking advantage of people has never been easier. Fancy anti-virus programs, anti-malware software; Whatever you have, unless you understand standard safety practices, you're royally effed. Are you ready for S to go down or what? I am so tired of fixing peoples computers whenever I'm there, usually it's during the holidays, eff that (I'd rather have a beer). This isn't the mid 90's. No person has an excuse, unless they just learned about things like the Internet or email (much older generations). This isn't a brand new thing, same ol' stuff, new methods. The fact that people still think that they actually won something by a cheaply designed GIF is beyond me. Seriously people. The people that are prepared and willing to steal your money aren't like what would be expected. Many people would assume that it is the work of a pock faced teenager, when in fact hacking your information has gone professional. A company can spend as little 10 dollars an hour for their competitors site to have denial of service attacks, up to 50 for a larger scale corporations. You can actually make money messiong with people. Many new "attacks" involve a mock virus scanner. Newer users will let this BS scanner finish and it will tell them fake viruses are infecting their system. Not only that, it may also say that there is malware "due to" illegal activity, like child porn. Nobody would want to be affiliated with that, soooooo..... Many of those mock scanners require a fee to "get rid" of said software (viruses). This fee is a bunch of crap and you are only helping those that feed off the dollars of people who are believing this crock. Your can also pay to have your own personally created viruses checked for efficiency, before you unleash them, before you commit a crime you can find out how efficient it can be. If there were only one thing that I could recommend; Know your system or how it acts. I personally know every aspect of my computer and can tell when I'm infected.  Considering that this class has ended, I doubt that anyone will ever read this. Regardless, if one does, take care of your technology. Whether you know it or not, your electronics could potentially be a digital representation of yourself. Everyone only gets one.

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